"Calculation and certification of carbon sequestration in managed forests"
The project CO2 Stored in Forests Management MARCHE (CO2 S.Fo.Ma. MARCHE), has as its objective the Active Management of Forests and the employment of forest workers in a continuous and professional way in the mountain areas of the Marche Region, with particular attention to the area of the crater of the earthquake.
The Sustainable Forest Management(SFM) of the forests of the SAF (Agro-forestry Society) Marche, Tronto and Monti Azzurri will be attested by a Certification voluntary recognised by accredited third party Certifying Bodies, to increase the carbon storage, preventing forest fires, hydrogeological instability, soil erosion, protecting forests and biodiversity, contributing to good quality water and air, mitigating temperatures and climate change, enhancing the landscape and offering better tourism and recreation services.
We recall by whom the #BOSCODIMARCA Group is formed:
- Agricultural Forestry Society for the management of agro-sylvo-pastoral assets of the Marche region
- Agricultural Forestry Society of management of agro-sylvo-pastoral assets of the Blue Mountains
- Agricultural Forestry Society for the management of agro-sylvo-pastoral assets of the Tronto
- Catria Special Consortium Company
On December 20, 2022, online partnership meetings continue for final project activities
On November 10, 2022, in Ecomondo in Rimini, the Group #BOSCODIMARK received the Sustainable Forest Communities 2022 Award!!!
We would like to connect supply and demand for sustainability credits from certified forests, including in other parts of Italy, in a voluntary market for trading tons of carbon, stored under additionality criteria (i.e., that do not fall under the Italian government's counts under the Kyoto and Paris agreements).
Between August 22 and September 5, the internal audits for PEFC certification of the group #BOSCODIMARCA !!!
The work on obtaining GFS forestry certification in the Marche!!! The focus group #MARCH WOODS met on 17 December 2021the 09 e 28 March e 08 April 2022 to talk about quotations for GFS certification (CSI and CSQA); Delegations; Stakeholders; Management Policy; Agreement between the parties.
The 17 March 2022 remote partnership meeting to assess the progress of activities and the closure of the project.
The 25 February 2022 as part of the course for local forestry workers of the Consorzio Marche Verdi on Sustainable Forest Management, another outing in the forest in Montepietroso.
The 14 and 15 December 2021 In the framework of the course for local forestry workers of the Consorzio Marche Verdi on Sustainable Forest Management, two forestry outings were organised in the Alto Esino state forest, in the following locations respectively Capretta and Paterno and in the locality of Valleremita, all in the municipality of Fabriano.
On Tuesday 21 December 2021 from 9.30 to 11.00 the online meeting of the coursewill be held, with the participation of PEFC Italy, we will talk about "Sustainable Forest Certification: what requirements and commitments for forest operators?"speaker Dr. For. Antonio Brunori and then space for questions!
Today Thursday 9 December 2021 from 10.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Pefc Italy opens a course for local forestry workers of the Consorzio Marche Verdi on Sustainable Forest Management.
Title of today's session: 'Presentation of the context and objectives of the certification'Tomorrow morning Friday 10 December 2021 from 9.00 to 11.30: 'Overview of the certification system and PEFC standards'.
The 26 July 2021, remote partnership meetings continue, work goes on!
The 12 July 2021, at the online event "Forest sustainability projects"organised by the Carbon Monitoring Unit we have the opportunity to tell you about the CO2 S.Fo.Ma. project. MARCHE PROJECT!
A May 2021 the latest sampling and surveys by CURSA for the assessment of CO2 absorption in the Marche Region's forests at present and in perspective with a SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT!
The 13 May 2021 at the event Multifunctionality in forestry and Next Generation EU: best practices in the Central Apennines the SAF (Società Agricolo Forestali) for forest management in the Marche Region, the Apennine project, the future Apennine Outdoor project, the APQ (Accordo di Programma Quadro) between the Ministry for the Environment and the Marche Region and the forest certification as drivers for issues such as planning, sustainability, ecology, forests, employment, tourism, ecosystem services, etc...
Ad April 2021 We continue to work with CURSA, SAF TRONTO, Pefc Italy e DREAM Italy to the full expression of the ECOSYSTEMIC SERVICES of our MARCA WOODS!
The 31 March 2021 B2B remote meeting with the CMCC (Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change) to explore the issue of additionality of sustainability credits for their exchange on a voluntary market through an on-line platform.
A March 2021 focus groups of some partners on the topic of Sustainable Forest Management certification and counting of sustainability credits
The 24 March 2021, a B2B (single stakeholder) information meeting was held with CREA. The meeting was organised online by the lead partner, SAF Marche, and by DREAM Italy to share the S.Fo.Ma.MARCHE project and our sustainability credit exchange adventure
The 01 and the February 15th 2021 the partners met on line to talk about new activities born within the project, and that force an extension, given the enlargement of the group of subjects that will require a Sustainable Forest Management certification according to PEFC criteria and given the need to deepen the theme of the SUSTAINABILITY CREDITS as a bargaining chip in the voluntary marketplace...
It is available here the registration of the intermediate project seminar which took place online on 29 September 2020.
Make yourselves comfortable and... enjoy the view!!!!
The 29 September 2020 from 3.30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. will be held the intermediate seminar of the GO CO2 Stored in Forests Management Marche (CO2 S.Fo.Ma Marche).
The event will be online and will focus on updates of the various activities of the project and its objectives.
The meeting will be coordinated by Antonio Brunori of Pefc Italia and the interventions of Andrea Albanesi (responsible for measure 16.2 Psr Marche), the three SAFs involved in the project, the GO Representative Massimo Maggi and the staff of the Partners DREAm Italia, Promoter, PEFC Italia and Cursa.
Click here for the program of the event.
There are 250 places available, to register for the seminar you must fill out the form at this link: is the recognition of training credits for Doctors Agronomists and Doctors Foresters.
The 07 and 08 July 2020 the guys of CURSAsupported by PROMOTER, have carried out the first inspections in the woods for field tests and withdrawals for laboratory testson biomass, litter and forest soil samples.
We know that the Carbon stored in sustainably managed forests is higher than in 'traditionally' or unmanaged forests, we're gathering evidence to prove it to you!
The 03 July 2020 has started for the partners of the G.O. CO2 Stored in Forests Management a training course in communication and fundraising with a Fundraiserperpassion consultant in order to be able to create informative material that makes our users understand the purpose of the project and what each of them can do if they share ours values!
Keep in touch!
The 28th April 2020 there was a videoconference meeting between the partners.
We go on with the administrative issues and the reporting of the project, but above all we try to plan the next activities with a view to - oh us! - social distancing!
The Sustainable Forest Management Manual (SFM) for the forests of SAF (Marche, Monti Azzurri and Tronto) is taking shape as well as all the documents necessary to obtain the SFM Certification.
We are also working on a safe reopening, especially for the sampling activity in the experimental forest sites.
The January 10th 2020 from 9.30 am will be held in Ascoli Piceno the information meeting in via della Cartiera 1 at the headquarters of the Unione Montana del Tronto and Valfluvione "Certification of Sustainable Forest Management in SAF Tronto".
Click here for meeting program
The 25 September 2019 c/o SAF Marche the Operating Group met to coordinate project activities.
We talked about the verification of the Forest Management Plans under approval in the 3 beneficiary SAFs and the Analysis of the indicators in these plans for comparison with the requirements of the PEFC ITA 1001-1 Sustainable Forest Management Standards; the quantification of the carbon storage potential in forest yards with different management systems compared.
On May 31, 2019 in Fabriano in via Dante 268 at the headquarters of the Esino-Frasassi Mountain Union the Conference "Climate change and environmental risks: CO2 sequestration in the managed forests of the Marche Region" opening to the public of the CO2 S.Fo.Ma. - MARCHE.
Click here to download the conference program!
Come in great numbers!
The days 8 and 27 May 2019 the partners of Gruppo Operativo CO2 S.Fo.Ma. Marche will talk about Sustainable Forest Management with Pefc Italia
What's this about?
Course for Second Part Auditor in preparation for PEFC Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) certificationThe contents:analysis of the requirements of documents ITA 1000, ITA 1001-1 and ITA 1003; methodologies for preparing and conducting Internal Inspection Verifications; elements necessary for the preparation of the documentation relating to the Inspection Verification. During the course, a practical exercise in a PEFC certified forest.
Objective of this activity: to introduce the partners of the G.O. to the Sustainable Forest Certification that is to be obtained on at least 70% of the forests managed by SAF Marche, SAF Monte Azzurri and SAF Tronto.
The 26 and 27 March 2019, the first information and demonstration meetings to present the project!
- 26/03/2019 - 9.00 a.m. c/o Unione Montana Catria e Nerone in Cagli - Information meeting for the presentation of the project CO2 S.Fo.Ma. Marche - Sustainable Forests Management Marche
- 26/03/2019 - 3.00 p.m. c/o Unione Montana Alta Valle del Metauro in Urbania - Information meeting for the presentation of the project CO2 S.Fo.Ma. Marche - Sustainable Forests Management Marche
- 27/03/2019 - 9.00 a.m. c/o Foresta Demaniale Monte Vicino sul Candigliano prov. Urbania - Information meeting for the presentation of the project CO2 S.Fo.Ma. Marche - Sustainable Forests Management Marche/ Training in the forest area on surveying methods to adapt the Forest Management Plan to the SFM (Sustainable Forest Management) criteria.
Co-financed by the RDP MARCHE 2014 - 2020 Sub-measure 16.1 - Support to the creation and operation of EIP Operational Groups - Action 2 "Funding of Operational Groups".